Archive > October 2011

Making NaNoWriMo Work For You.

A week from today is November 1st, and the start of National Novel Writing Month. I participated in NaNoWriMo two years ago, and am wondering if I should subject myself to this painful experience again this year. Maybe others are contemplating similar questions. Two years ago, I had no clue if I could write anything […]

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World Fantasy 2011 Inkpunks Event Calendar

Saturday, October 29, 8PM – 9PM, Suite TBD (fliers will be available at the con with the room number on it) We will be having a reading in one of the suites, where seven of us will be reading selections from our published or soon-to-be-published work. There will be snacks and booze and door prizes, […]

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Year of Inkpunks, My Little Retrospect

Two years ago I went to World Fantasy in San Jose on a lark. Friends of mine said I had to go, especially since it was local. So I went. And I wound up meeting about half of what would become the Inkpunks. I felt incredibly awkward and shy, so I drank enough vodka to […]

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Guest Post by Vylar Kaftan – Submission statistics: times submitted & length of time waited

Today’s guest post is part one of two from Nebula-nominated author Vylar Kaftan. These posts originally appeared on her blog. Many thanks to Vylar for letting us repost them here! I’ve published about three dozen short stories, and perhaps 1/3 are SFWA-qualifying. I thought I’d open my submission history in case it would help a […]

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This is not a post about writing. Mostly.

This is the time of year that I generally reflect on the past twelve months: what I’ve done, and what I’d like to do better. It’s kind of like New Year for me–it’s when I make my resolutions and set my goals, and think about the things I’m grateful for. This is partly because my […]

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Shifting Sand: The Art of Tending Goals

Around the time I was fifteen, I wrote to Marion Zimmer Bradley for the guidelines to her magazine and I collected every copy of Asimov’s Magazine I could get my hands on. I didn’t really know what it meant to be a writer but I knew I wanted to be one and I had it […]

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A Year in the Inkpunks

It’s been a year since I proposed the idea for this blog and the Inkpunks were formed. A whole year and while the time has flown by, we also can’t believe how much has happened for all us within that year. We thought we’d take some time to reflect back on the year with the […]

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Guest Post: The Slow-Writing Writer’s Guide to Writing Part Time

About a year ago an acquaintance whispered in my ear that he had a friend  I *really* should get to know. I took his suggestion and began to stalk B. Fox. (You can too, on twitter @thebranfox).  In her I found a kindred spirit: an artist, a writer, a mother.  (A fellow doodler <3).  She […]

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eReaders & You

If there’s one question that burns at the heart of the publishing industry today, surely it must be, “How do people read their books now?” eReaders are here to stay and being adopted not just by the tech savvy but hardcore readers everywhere. What’s that? You’re thinking of getting one yourself? Well then, you’re in […]

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